
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bicarbonate of Soda

First of all I had better say that Bicarb is also called Baking Soda but don't confuse it with Baking Powder because that just wont work. It doesn't have enough bicarb in it. You need Soda. As a general rule the supermarkets only sell the small tubs which isn't much use to people like us. Try to find your local Asian supermarket or Cash and Carry and buy from there. Asian markets are generally less expensive though.

I will stay away from the usual toothpaste and cleaning recipes and hopefully give you a few new uses for this wonderful stuff that I have picked up over the years.
Alrighty then here we go with a few good Bicarb uses.

Water softener
Half a cup straight into the bath before you run the water. This is also good to help prevent nappy rash. If you want to have a relaxing soak and detox at the same time add half a cup of coarse salt to the bath as well.

Bath Bombs
3 parts bicarb
1 part citric acid powder
2 drops of base oil such as almond oil
2 or 3 drops of essential oil

Mix the bicarb and citric powders together.
Mix the oils together
Add the oils to the powder a little at a time until the mix gets crumbly (like a pastry mix  before you add the water)
Form the mix into balls and put them into an egg box. Close the box and stick some sellotape on to keep it closed. If you don't close the box you will end up with 'bath bomb leakage' and it will all stick together. Leave it for a couple of days until it is completely dry. In the past I have used those plastic balls that you get from those crane machine things in the amusement arcades, or Kinder egg containers. They work better than egg boxes. If you want to add colour to the bombs, for gods sake don't use turmeric unless you want a horrible LA Tan for a few days.
You can add fresh herbs or Lavender flowers if you don't mind them floating in your bath with you.

Dry Skin
Mix bicarb and olive oil in a bowl until it turns into a paste. Try and get it to the same consistency as a thick yoghurt and then massage it gently into your dry spots for a few seconds. Don't try to rub it in, you just need to let it lay on the surface. Leave it for five minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. You will be surprised how well it works
It also works well to soften your hands. Half fill your washing up bowl with hot water and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of bicarb. Soak your hands (or feet for 15/20 minutes, pat them dry and apply hand cream whilst they are still damp.

Yep, dust your sweaty armpits with bicarb and those coffee smelling pits will be fumigated in no time at all.

Skin Rash
It works the same way as crushed Aspirin on the bikini line girls but we are aiming for a solution rather than a paste this time. Mix half a teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water and dab it on with a cotton wipe

Removing Splinters
Mix with water to form a thickish paste, apply to the area where the splinter is and cover with a plaster for a couple of hours. It draws the splinter out and fights infection at the same time

Put a few drops of vinegar onto the wart before sprinkling bicarb over. Leave it on whilst you watch Corrie and then wipe it off. Repeat until the wart has gone.

Sherbert Fountain
Remember those?

2oz icing Sugar
3/4 teaspoon bicarb
3/4 teaspoon of citric acid powder
Mix it all together thoroughly and you have your very own Sherbert Dip

Magic Trick For the Kids
Okay I can't actually remember the quantities for this one so you will need to experiment first. Pour a little bit of vinegar into a plastic bottle (Evian size bottle)
Put a couple of tablespoons of bicarb into the balloon.
When you are ready to perform the trick, pull the end of the balloon over the neck of the bottle and let the bicarb drop into the bottle. You may want to cover the bottle with the palms of your hands so that the kids cant see the bicarb falling into the vinegar.
Give the bottle a little shake and utter the immortal word "Abracadabra" and watch the balloon inflate
Don't forget to hold the neck of the bottle firmly or you will have fizzy stuff everywhere.

Have Fun

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